keyboard). button at the bottom of the screen (or press "N" on the NOW -- Proceed with the INTRODUCTION by clicking the "Next" and Microsoft® Multiplan. Note: Best Answer™ is also compatible with Microsoft® Works types of situations Best Answer™ can handle. experience. This will give you an idea of the many different 3) Then, go through a few EXAMPLES to get some "hands-on" menu to further familiarize yourself with the program. 2) Next, read through the BASIC TOPICS section of the HELP basics of the program and define a few new terms. give you an overview of Best Answer™. It will explain the 1) First, read the rest of the INTRODUCTION section. This will steps below to familiarize yourself with how the program works: There are a few new functions you will need to learn. Follow the lot about how Best Answer™ works because it is based on Excel. You don't need a complicated manual! Actually, you already know a best possible answer for your current business situation. then load it into Best Answer™, which will help you arrive at the You simply create your spreadsheet in Excel (like you usually do), already familiar with Excel you really have very little to learn. Best Answer™ is an "add-on" to Microsoft® Excel. Since you are